TBM is a Forum Dedicated to Restoring Our Manufacturing Sectors.
The ultimate goal of Take Back Manufacturing is to
get government, educators and industry leadership
to start working closer together to plan the
recovery of the declining manufacturing sectors in
For More Information Go To: TBM Book
Short Video Overview of the New Book
TBM Book Presentation Video
Pandemics & Globalization
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The Myth of Man-Made Climate Change.
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Canadian Manufacturing's Slow Death...
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TBM in Canada with Disruptive technologies
Adobe Acrobat document [432.2 KB]
Review our Video for the changes we predict for Manufacturing into the future.
TBM Positional Paper for 2019
The TBM Team has released a Working Paper on how Manufacturing in Canada will fit with the latest trade trends.
Adobe Acrobat document [1.0 MB]
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Take Back Manufacturing in 2022
A journey through history to the present ….and the future vision.
The Globalized Manufacturing approach with efficient Supply Chains has been the business norm for the last 3 decades, but now many experts predict a change in direction toward Sustainable Supply Chains, LEAN Business practices, Balanced Sourcing involving Reshoring and more localized and significantly more nationalistic trade blocs.
This will be the next business initiative to understand and embrace.
We will explain:
Why sustainable supply chain concepts are the latest global business trend, and how social-political events now unfolding may reverse current globalization
Why these more nationalistic politics are now in vogue and may reverse 30 years of poor global management and low prosperity.
How Canada will stack up in this future of nationalistic and sustainable trading blocs and how political will, policies, legislations and national competitive factors will need to change.
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