TBM Mission


Ensure Government, Education Organizations and Industry Leaders work closer together to plan our future industrial capability and our future prosperity.


Comments from the Mission leaders...


Marie Laird, SME Toronto Past Chair 2011 stated: “Individually many organizations
have been trying to get government to listen for years, but they’ve been largely
ignored. We all need to understand that if you live in Ontario, the well-being of manufacturing affects you - whether or not you know it. Take Back Manufacturing is about having ONE voice and ONE agenda. It’s about what we all want and need: Strong manufacturing in Ontario again.”


Nigel Southway, SME Topronto Past Chair 2012/13  stated: “Everyone knows the issues and the situation, but little has been actively done to fix it. We are very excited about the feedback so far from all the societies and associations on the TBM Mission, and everyone involved believes it offers a great opportunity to combined efforts to get things done. Similar groups exist in the USA and we are sharing data and approaches".


The ultimate goal of Take Back Manufacturing is to get government, educators
and industry leadership to start working closer together to plan the recovery of the
declining manufacturing sectors in Ontario.